How to | Embrace Self-Care

When trying to balance work, family, friends and the home, it is easy to forget that we need to take care of ourselves which can be detrimental to our physical health as well as our mental health. For seven days, National Self Care Week will be promoting how vital it is to take care of yourself, whether that means taking a few minutes to relax or even treating yourself. 

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When trying to balance work, family, friends and the home, it is easy to forget that we need to take care of ourselves which can be detrimental to our physical health as well as our mental health. For seven days, National Self Care Week will be promoting how vital it is to take care of yourself, whether that means taking a few minutes to relax or even treating yourself.

The Dusk Team believe practicing a little self-care a day can boost your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health for a better-balanced life. Here are a few of their tops tips they'd like to share.

1. Create YOUR OWN space even if it's making your favourite chair or your bed extra cosy
2. Take a bath
3. Read a good book
4. Snuggle an animal (or our Luxury Faux Fur if you are allergic to pets)
5. Scroll through Pinterest
6. Read body positive blogs and find inspirational Instagrammers
7. Donate books, DVDs and clothes you don't need anymore
8. Go for a walk
9. Try a new recipe (or treat yourself to a meal out)
10. Work out or dance around the room like no one is watching
11. Binge watch a series on Netflix or NOWTV
12. Change your bedding for freshly cleaned sheets
13. Buy that big bar of chocolate you've seen at the shops and watch a movie
14. See an old friend or chat with your best friend
15. Make yourself a cup of tea
16. Take a breath when you start to feel overwhelmed
17. Tell someone if you're struggling with something
18. Blast music that makes you happy
19. Put on some scented lotion
20. Have a lie in or even an afternoon nap

And above all else, be gentle with yourself. We can sometimes be our worst critics and beat ourselves up about things we haven't done or should be doing. Give yourself a break. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.